I’ve covered this issue in the past, and continue to get feedback from candidates on this, and wanted to do it again. I recently hit that milestone myself. 1. The contents of your résumé are as important as the container its in. Your content is obviously very important, but how your résumé looks is as well. Make sure you show your employer that you’re very skilled in software. When I get a résumé that is all over the map, I assume that person is not confortable with software. It may be incorrect but put everything on your side. 2. Don’t bother trying to hide your age. Imagine you do succeed in hiding your age, you get the interview and it’s short and sweet; they’ve wasted your time. Wouldn’t you rather know upfront that you have a real shot at the job? You’ve spent your time, you went maybe downtown, you parked and paid for parking; your time is worth it. Go for the interview where they know everything about you and really want to see you for your skills. 3. Show up with energy and enthusiasm. Some people make the assumption that if you’re 50+, that you don’t have the energy to do the job. So, make sure that you show them you have what it takes. 4. Be clear as to why you want to take a lower job. (If this is your case) Sometimes recruiters and employers will assume that you cost too much money. Maybe you’re taking this lower position because it’s closer to home (work/like balance), but you want to make sure you let them know that you’re up for what needs to be done in this job. 5. Be very concrete about accomplishments. Make sure they know what you’ve accomplished in your career. 6. Focus your job search in markets that serve the 50+ market. This is a great way to match the candidate with the market. 7. Give concrete examples of change management. How have you adapted to change? Some people might assume, because you’re 50+, you don’t like change or you don’t want to live change. 8. Make sure you use social media, so that you know exactly what’s going on; you’re on LinkedIn, you’re on Facebook, you’re on other social media looking for jobs and using them on a daily basis. All this to show that you are “up with the times.” 9. Don’t use self-deprecating language. I hear people say all the time, “At my age…” Forget “At my age”, don’t use that, don’t put yourself down. 10. Make sure you sell your positives, rather than putting down Generation Y. Why is it better to get an older employee? Sell those merits rather than the negative. Hope these tips have helped. I’m Dawn Williams from Sirius Personnel. I can be reached on LinkedIn and Twitter. Happy Selling!